Nov 2, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

tc-steele-shs T.C. Steele

Homeschool Thursdays: Art Expressionism

These two-hour classes are sure to stimulate an interest in science, art, history and culture! Classes occur on the first Thursday of the month (unless otherwise noted) during the school year, from 10 a.m. to noon. Adults join their learners for an interactive family experience. 

After Impressionism came Expressionism! Find out the characteristics of this exciting art movement and put your knowledge to the test when you create your own masterpiece. Adults join their learners for an interactive family experience. Registration required 3 days prior to event date. 

Site admission for homeschool student is included. Member site admission is free. Adults and extra siblings do not have to pay site admission to access the grounds, unless they want a tour of the House and Studio. If they want a tour, they must pay regular site admission. 

Price: $10/child, 25% discount for members, site admission included for homeschool student  
