Feb 23, 2025 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

indiana-state-museum Indiana State Museum


GEOfest is back at the Indiana State Museum! Whether you are a rockhound, a fossil enthusiast, or you just love crystals and gems, there is something exciting for everyone to discover. This annual three-day program features three floors of rock, mineral and fossil vendors, along with hands-on activities, concrete making and community partner displays for visitors to enjoy.

Price: Included with museum admission, *$5/Access Pass members, $5/Indiana college students w/ID, 50% off admission for Scouting America, Girl Scouts and their families. Discounted tickets must be purchased in person. Includes $4 parking validation.

Purchase admission

GEOfest is a 3-day event, running from Feb. 21-23.

*Access Pass members need to purchase tickets in person OR call 317.232.1637 to receive discounted prices.

GEOfest is supported by IMI.

Participating Vendors

All My Relations  •  Baby T-Rex  •  BTown Oddities  •  Cedar Ridge Rock Shop  •  Clausen Jewelry  •  Cosmic Rock Stars  •  David Straw  •  DK Rocks  •  Dragon’s Hoard  •  EMGEM  •  JOX ROX  •  Kuma and Xochitil  •  L&L  •  Let ‘Em Play  •  Nature’s Spectrum  •  Nayab Gems and Minerals  •  Nectar Gems   •  Oh My! Jewelry  •  PaleoScene  •  Savage Creations  •  Spectral Stone  •  The Upper Crust  •  Vinson’s Custom Rocks  •  Wonders of the Earth  •  Xingyi Creation


IUI Department of Earth Sciences  •  500 Earth Sciences Club  •  Indiana Geological and Water Survey  •  Indiana Society of Paleontology  •  Professional Geologists of Indiana  •  Association for Women Geologists  •  DNR

Supported by

IMI Irving Materials Inc.