Through the Eyes of an Artist

Through the Eyes of an Artist

John Wesley Hardrick

From the natural beauty and hidden depths in his landscapes to the subtle, understanding glances in his portraits, John Wesley Hardrick’s paintings captured the essence of life in Indianapolis.

Come see 25 unique paintings by the acclaimed artist and lifelong Indianapolis resident. Learn the story of Hardrick’s life, artistic process and his community as you explore a digital choose-your-own-adventure story, snoop through the pockets of an artist’s smock and flip through photos of the Norwood neighborhood.

This exhibit is supported by the Efroymson Family Fund.

Feb. 22 through June 29, 2025

This experience is located on level three. Entry to this exhibit is included with the purchase of museum admission.

Purchase admission

Hardrick (1891-1968) was an academically trained artist and trailblazer. He studied under impressionists from the Hoosier Group and became one of the first Black students to attend the John Herron Art Institute, which is now the Herron School of Art + Design. Hardrick earned national recognition for his portraits and was celebrated for his ability to highlight beauty in the extraordinary and the mundane.

Explore 25 pieces of Hardrick’s art and a flipbook about his life, which is accompanied by an audio narration that shares information on Hardrick’s legacy in Indianapolis. Discover Hardrick’s passion for art, his family and more. The work of three other artists — modern painter Mason Archie and Hardrick contemporaries Hale Woodruff and William Edouard Scott — is also featured alongside Hardrick’s, highlighting similarities and differences between the development of their styles and career trajectories.

A digital narrative experience allows you to live a life as an artist in the time of Hardrick. Based on Indianapolis in the early 20th century, visitors can make decisions that take their fictional artist on a narrative journey from first signs of burgeoning talent to retirement from whatever artistic field they delve into.

Finally, learn more about Hardrick’s life by exploring an artist’s smock and finding various recreated artifacts like letters, notes, sketches and more, themed towards parts of his life. These will include information that deepens the visitors’ understanding of John Wesley Hardrick as an artist and community member.


Curator-Led Tours

Join Curator of Social History Kisha Tandy and Senior Curator of Art Paula Katz on a special tour of this exhibit. Delve into the life, work and significance of this prolific painter and the impact Hardrick made on the art scene, in Indianapolis and beyond.

Price: Free for members, $5/nonmembers, registration encouraged. Includes $4 parking validation.

March 9, 1-2 p.m. April 12, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
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