Jun 17 - 21, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Indiana State Museum @ Indianapolis
Superhero Science
Youth entering grades 1-3
$250/camper; 10% discount for members, $5 discount for one sibling in same camp; $50/camp for scholarship recipients, includes camp lunch and snack
Drop off is between 8–9 a.m. and pick up is between 3:45–5 p.m.
Deadline is two weeks prior to the camp start date
Speed, strength and even invisibility! Each day, we’ll investigate a different superpower and the science behind what makes that superpower so special. You’ll take what you’ve learned to solve challenges based on using those superpowers.
To be added to our waitlist, please call 317.232.1637.
Campers should come with their own sack lunch, two snacks, water bottle, closed-toe shoes and sunscreen for recess outside, weather permitting.