Angel Mounds State Historic Site

for educators

Ancient Indiana Metropolis

Discover how the people at Angel (known today as Angel Mounds), lived and designed this city with great purpose as your students learn about the deep connections between the people and this place. Located on the banks of the Ohio River near Evansville, by 1250 A.D. Angel had become a powerful city. It remains a sacred place to today’s tribal nations and is one of the best preserved “Mississippian” sites to explore this period in Native American history.


Pre-Columbian Native American history (Mississippian ca. 1100-1450 A.D.)



Star lore

8215 Pollack Avenue, Evansville, IN, USA

School Group Tours

K-Grade 12

Fee: Admission is FREE for pre-registered, accredited schools of 10 or more K-12 students. Free admission includes teachers and bus drivers, plus one additional adult chaperone for every five students. Additional chaperones pay the group admission rate. Admission is FREE for pre-registered homeschool groups of 10 or more K-12 students, including one free adult for every five students. Additional adults pay the group admission rate.

Contact site for non-Indiana student rate. Pre-registration required at least two weeks in advance.

This school group tour includes a self-guided tour of the newly-transformed interpretive center.

students walking at angel mounds state historic site

Mound Quest

Grades 2-5
at Angel Mounds State Historic Site

Students will take a walk in Mississippian footsteps through the ancient village site.

Price: $2/student

Indiana Academic Standards: Social Studies: 2.H.1, 2.H.2, 2.H.4, 3.H.1, 3.H.2, 3.G.7, 4.H.1, 4.H.2, 5.H.1, 5.H.3, 5.G.7, WH.1.1, WH.1.2

Explore Programs

Whether it’s at the site, outreach or virtual, we offer hands-on, exploratory and interactive programs on a variety of topics that provide your students a fun way to learn about Indiana’s people, places and things. All programs fulfill select Indiana Academic Standards.



Length: 45-60 minutes
Max. number of students: 25
Cost: $4/student
Travel fees: 30-60 miles=$20; 60-90 miles=$40; 90+ miles=$60


Length: 45-60 minutes
Cost: $75/class; additional classes $100 for the same program

Email [email protected] to schedule a date for these programs.


Students at Angel Mounds State Historic Site


K–Grade 5
At site, outreach or virtual
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (CST)

Put yourself in the shoes of a Mississippian as you learn about their daily life through artifacts discovered by historians and archaeologists. Find out how we know so much about a culture that has no written language.

Indiana Academic Standards: Social Studies: K.H.1, K.H.3, K.G.5, 1.H.1, 1.H.6, 2.H.1, 2.H.2, 3.H.1, 3.H.2, 3.H.4, 3.H.6, 4.H.1, 4.H.2, 5.H.1, 5.H.3; Ethnic Studies: ES.1.1, ES.1.2, ES.1.3, ES. 3.1


Grades 2–5
At site or outreach
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (CST)

Make a functional tool to take home using the prehistoric skill of flint knapping in this experimental archaeology activity.

Indiana Academic Standards: Social Studies: 3.H.4,  3.G.7, 3.E.2, 4.H.2,4.G.8,4.G.9, 5.G.7, 8.H.1,  8.G.3; Language Arts: 3.RC.6, ; Science: 3-5-ETS1-1, 4-PS3-3, 4-ESS1-1 , 5-PS1-2

Early Childhood-Grade 12 Education Program Guide